computer interface (BCI) is a fast-growing technology in that researchers aim
to build a direct communication channel between the computer interface and
human brain. BCI is software and hardware communications system which allows
humans to interact with others without the involvement of muscles and
peripheral devices and with the help of control signals generated from the
activity of electroencephalographic.
computer interface also known as Brain machine interface (BMI) which creates a
new channel of non-muscular for transferring human’s intentions to external
devices like speech synthesizers, computers, neural prostheses and assistive
appliances. This is mainly attractive for persons with severe motor
disabilities. This type of interface will improve their life quality and at the
same time, BCI will minimize the cost of intensive care (Khalid et al., 2009). A
brain computer interface is an artificial intelligence system which can
identify some patterns set in brain signals in the five stages they are
acquisition of signal, signal or preprocessing enhancement, feature extraction,
classification and control interface. The signal acquisition captures and brain
signals as well as performs artifact processing and noise reduction.
preprocessing stage prepares the brain signals in an appropriate form for
further processing. In the stage of feature extraction recognizes discriminative
information in the signal of brain which will be recorded. Once measured, the
brain signal is mapped onto a vector comprising discriminant and effective
features from the noticed signals. The extraction of this useful information is
a very complicated task. Brain signals are mixed with other signals. These
signals come from a finite set of brain activities which overlap in both space
and time. The brain signal will not usually stationary and twisted by artifacts
like electro-oculography (EOG) or Electromyography (EMG). The feature vector will
be sometimes in low dimension, in order to minimize the complexity in the
feature extraction stage, but without useful information loss. The
classification stage, it classifies the brain signals by considering feature
vectors. The good discriminative features choice is important in order to
achieve effective recognition for pattern, to decipher the person’s intentions.
The control interface stage transforms the classified signals into informative
or meaningful commands for any connected device like computer or wheelchair
(Wolpaw et al., 2002).
is concluded that brain computer interface is a control and communication
channel which does not depend on the muscles and peripheral nerves. BCI will
improve the life quality of the humans and also reduces the intensive care cost.
1. Khalid,
M.B.; Rao, N.I.; Rizwan-i-Haque, I.; Munir, S.; Tahir, F. Towards a Brain
Computer Interface Using Wavelet Transform with Averaged and Time Segmented
Adapted Wavelets. In Proceedings of
the 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication (IC4’09) Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan,
February 2009; pp. 1–4.
2. Wolpaw,
J.R.; Birbaumer, N.; McFarland, D.J.; Pfurtscheller, G.; Vaughan, T.M. Brain-computer
interfaces for communication and control. Clin. Neurophysiol. 2002, 113, 767–791
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