Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Human Resource Information System (HRIS) has emerged as a vital tool to achieve the organizational objectives. HRIS is an integrated system to gather, store, record, manage and deliver useful information for human resource. HRIS shapes an interaction between information technology and human resource management.
HRIS is a process which utilizes the IT for the effective human resource management applications and functions. It is a computerized system consists of interrelated data base or data bases which track the employee’s information (Gill and Johnson, 2010). HRIS helps in recoding and examining employees and organizational documents and information like employee handbooks, safety procedures and emergency evacuation (Fletcher, 2005; Lee, 2008). It helps organizations to manage a complete, accurate and updated database which can be retrieved from manuals and reports (Gara, 2001). According to Mathis and Jackson (2002) based on the size of the organization, the nature of HRIS will vary, in the small scale organizations HRIS tends to be informal whereas in large organization HRIS will be more formal and coordinated.
HRIS is a management tool which is used to understand the patterns for human resource actions, policies and employee behaviors and also identifying the gaps in the system of human resource. HRIS is a software package which facilitates a complete system for the activities of human resource management in businesses (Aggarwal and Kapoor, 2012). The primary role of HRIS is integrating the information technology and human resource management which has lead to competitive advantage for the organizations. HRIS speed up the transaction processing, reduces administration cost, improve the tracking and control of actions in human resource and reduce information errors. HRIS enables efficiency, effectiveness and promotes competitiveness among the organizations (Lengnick et al., 2003).
It can be concluded that HRIS, is a computerized system which assists in the processing of information that is related to management of human resource and has become a critical part of all the organizations.
1.      Gill, J., Johnson, P., (2010). Research methods of managers, Sage Publications Limited, Fourth Edition
2.      Fletcher P. (2005), “From Personnel Administration to Business Driven Human Capital Management: The Transformation of the Role of HR in the Digital Age”, In Greutal and Stone (Eds), The Brave New World of Her, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, pp. 1-12.
3.       Lee A. (2008), “Relationship Between the Use of Information Technology and Performances of Human Resource Management”, PhD thesis, Alliant International University, San Diego: USA
4.       Gara S.J. (2001), “How HRIS Can Impact HR: A Complete Paradigm Shift for the 21st Century”, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Available: http://www.shrm.org/whitepapers/documents/default.asp?page= 630 01.asp
5.       Mathis R.L. and Jackson J.H. (2002), Human Resource Management, 10th edition, USA: Thomson Learning, pp. 179 –207.
6.      Aggarwal.N and Kapoor.M (2012), Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)-Its Role and Importance In Business Competitiveness, GIAN JYOTIE-Journal, Vol 1.
7.       Lengnick-Hall, Mark L., Moritz Steve (2003). The impact of e-HR on HRM function, Journal of Labor Research 24(3), 365-379.